Tungsten Carbide


Tungsten carbide tips that we put on the market; are used in various applications and many equipment such as fore pile bucket, auger, horizontal drilling equipment (pilot drills), horizontal drilling scan heads and asphalt milling drum, as a consumable material that increases the wearing resistance. Due to the diversity of its implementation areas, it is obvious that tungsten carbide (diamond) tips do have an important place in surface drilling technologies. In terms of application efficiency and the lifetime of materials used, these points should be taken into consideration in the selection of tungsten carbide consumable materials that are used frequently in surface drilling applications:  

As the rock types at medium and high hardness, are found abundantly in countries like Turkey, it is required that steel and tungsten carbide materials, two main constituents used in the production of diamond scaler tips that are also used in surface drilling machines, should operate with minimum wearing. For fore pile applications on the market, tips in 25mm and 38 mm diameters, are preferred in general; both dimensions (25 mm and 38 mm) have two separate models as “standard” and “heavy-duty type”. 


Diamond cartridges (scaler tips) used by being welded to fore pile bucket, auger and various surface drilling equipment ( along with the holder), are frequently consumed materials made of hard metals that provide high resistance against wearing. Scaler tip grooves are holder adapters composed by ‘forging’ method, using steel materials that are put through several processes. Scaler tips are inserted on the grooves that are holding them, and these grooves are welded to these two equipment of fore pile machine called bucket and auger. Conducting the welding process with the right angle, directly affects the performance and lifetime of scaler tips.  


These type of weldable diamond bits also known as “cut diamonds” and “conical diamond bit” in application, are generally welded to the auxiliary equipment of mini pile machine or used on the edges of various anchorage and drill bits. Cut diamond bits are made of two main constituents, “tungsten carbide” materials also called as “steel” and “diamond”, as is in all other diamond scaler tips. Despite the small dimensions of the steel body of these tough scaler tips also known as “conical diamond bits” due to their conical shape, “carbide” materials are used on the farthest end. The purpose here, is to increase the resistance of diamond bits against fraction and cracking, and to give these bits the power of drilling even hard objects that might be encountered underground. It is significant in terms of application efficiency that; all cut diamond bits used on the edges of various anchorage drills and mini piling equipment in a wide range, are of equal quality and mounted using proper workmanship.